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Campaigning for a
The Better Infrastructure
Solution for Offshore Wind
The Better Solution for wind power infrastructure involves an OFFSHORE GRID of subsea HVDC cables, transporting wind energy from multiple wind farms, pooled at offshore platforms, closer to where it is needed, then connecting to the onshore AC grid at brownfield pre-industrialised sites, which can in turn benefit from regeneration and suit the medium-term development of Energy Hubs. This is the strategy all other leading European wind power countries are following.
With offshore pooling of wind farm energy, offshore subsea transmission of energy closer to demand and onshore connection at brownfield sites, the Great British Offshore Grid is a FASTER, CHEAPER and BETTER solution.
Because less than half the onshore infrastructure is required, community buy-in will be swifter, and with more strategic routing offshore, fewer planning permissions will be required, hence a shorter planning cycle. Time IS Money.
National Grid ESO reports have consistently shown significant overall transmission network cost savings (Capex) from greater offshore coordination sooner, e.g. its December 2020 report showed a c.£2 billion saving for East Anglia alone with greater offshore integration. For Britain as a whole, the same report suggests a saving of c. £6 billion and this would be available if we pivot now to a solution involving an Offshore Grid. Cost savings come from the sharing of infrastructure resulting from the pooling of wind farm energy and also from transporting energy offshore and connecting it to the onshore AC grid closer to demand, saving on curtailment and grid constraint costs.
Increased security and flexibility of supply from a meshed offshore HVDC grid, and significantly reduced negative impact on the environment, communities and local economies.
Our Proposal
This Proposal was first presented during the Labour Party Conference at the
Offshore4sure Fringe Event.
The core design principles should be part of any Future Spatial Strategy.
They are presented on Page 6.
are needed NOW
Climate change and energy security challenges demand medium and long-term strategic planning for energy infrastructure. A significant increase in future offshore wind generation is required to help us reach Net Zero and there are better solutions for the related transmission network infrastructure. Current plans have been evaluated largely on a project-by-project basis, failing to harness the many benefits and efficiencies of a strategic spatial plan and an overall holistic network design, resulting in the needless destruction of countryside, communities and tourism economies.
Nature-based tourism locations should not be used for these large industrial nodes/hubs destroying their tourism economies in the process. The environmental and community impacts from current plans in Devon, Kent and Suffolk are a microcosm for the issues which need to be addressed with a new, transformational strategic approach.
A new public/private partnership modelled along the lines of Orsted or Tennet, involving Great British Energy, could ensure that a new strategic framework is established to accelerate the transition to Net Zero and minimise adverse impacts, whilst boosting the British economy.
Design of the transmission network cannot be left to commercial organisations who are beholden to shareholders. Government and NESO need to take a short pause (3 to 6 months), to devise a more strategic spatial strategy and design a more holistic, flexible and resilient offshore and onshore transmission network for the benefit of all consumers and future generations, involving industry in the execution of their strategic plan.
‘With One Voice’ Aldeburgh Beach Rally was a HUGE SUCCESS!
On the 1st of September an amazing c. 500 strong group of supporters gathered together beside the Scallop for our Beach Rally. Thank you so much to every one of you who showed up, applauded, cheered, booed and created a sensational lively and supportive energy.
Read more in our Newsletter HERE or watch the BBC Look East Coverage HERE

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